

These presentations, developed by the Institute for International Criminal Investigations (IICI), have been made available to help practitioners raise awareness of and facilitate discussion about the Murad Code and its relevance for work that involves gathering and using information about SCRSV. The presentations can be viewed online via the links below. To request a copy that can be used offline, please email

This presentation provides a general introduction to the Murad Code project, giving an overview of why the Code is needed, what the goals of the project are, how the Code was developed, and who it applies to.

This presentation provides an in-depth introduction to the Murad Code, outlining the 10 overarching principles and 86 commitments it contains and suggesting next steps for organisations and individuals who want to use the Code.


Open-Source Practitioners Guide - Pilot Version

This guide for practitioners sets out how to conduct survivor-centred and effective open-source research, investigations and other digital information-gathering on systematic and conflict-related sexual violence (SCRSV) using the Murad Code as a benchmark and framework.

Coming soon.

Practice Guidance Note on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)

Survivors have consistently emphasised that effective, integrated MHPSS must be in place before information-gatherers engage in survivor interactions, yet IICI has received feedback that the principles in the Code that relate to MHPSS are among the most challenging to meet. This resource offers practical guidance for information-gatherers and users on how to meet the Code’s commitments on MHPSS.

Coming soon.

Survivor Perspectives Resource

This resource features quotes from survivors worldwide, highlighting their experiences with documenters, journalists and other information-gatherers. It underscores the need for them to adhere to the Murad Code, illustrating the harm caused to survivors when these standards are not upheld.

Coming soon.

Guide for Funders

This guidance helps governmental, philanthropic and multilateral funders to reflect on why and how the Code is important for them and for organisations they support, and how they can build compliance with the Code’s minimum standards into their own organisations and into their support for grantees and other recipients of funding.

Coming soon.