Graphic Illustration from the Latin America Dialogue on the Murad Code

On 11 December 2024, IICI held the second in a series of dialogues exploring how the standards contained in the Murad Code can strengthen the work of practitioners gathering and using information about systematic and conflict-related sexual violence (SCRSV) in different regions. 

The Latin America Dialogue on the Murad Code gathered four experts from countries of origin, transit, destination, and return to discuss the widespread issue of systematic sexual violence in mixed migration movements throughout the region. The 90-minute panel discussion examined how various actors—ranging from humanitarian organisations to justice and accountability bodies—have approached the documentation, investigation, and prosecution of sexual violence committed against migrants. 

This graphic illustration captures key insights shared during the dialogue, highlighting the unique challenges and gaps in addressing sexual violence within mixed migration flows, from the vulnerability of survivors in transit to the lack of comprehensive frameworks for accountability. It visually outlines how adherence to the Murad Code’s minimum standards could improve practices and policies across the region, ensuring better protection for survivors and a more coordinated, survivor-centred approach to documentation, truth-telling, and justice.

By Kathryn Gichini.


Using the Murad Code to Demand Reparations and Recognition in Côte d’Ivoire